Ideas and technical drawings:
This part has been largely inspired by the fantastic job that Jason Keith has done on 3D models (Shapeways) and the movie sets.
I started with technical drawings that I will use as template for the customization. Templates can be found in the download page.
Preparation of the front wall:
I start with the preparation of the front wall provided by the Deagostini kit:
Drawing the location of the new holes according to the template;
Creating the holes.
Scratch build of the extension for large pipe:
I start building the front wall extension to fit the main pipe (22 mm diameter).
I started drawing and cutting the 5 frame members in styrene plate (1.5 mm) according to template.
I then scratch build of the details along the different frame members on both side (at least for 3 of them) with rod of different diameters, guitar/bass strings and any styrene I could find. The edges of the frames were done with U shaped piece of styrene.
Scratch build of the shelf details above the big pipe with styrene.
Stay tuned as there will be MORE TO COME...