Falcon lighting: the ramp
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Falcon build tools and material
Falcon build tools and material
Falcon painting
This is an animation, done in Fusion 360, to test the foot of the ramp, which flips down and up when the ramp opens and closes respectively.
This could be a version that works but difficult to motorize at the scale of the Deagostini model. I am not even sure it was motorized in the movie sets.
Falcon lighting build & customization
My goal here is to improve the lighting of the Falcon and its control from what is proposed by Deagostini. Like many other Deagostini Millennium Falcon builders, I want to reproduce the lighting effects and details as it is seen in the movie sets (more specifically from the ESB). For this, I am being helped by and using the kits from both Chris Holland and Torsten Engle for the lights and the new board respectively.
The details of the build and customization can be found in my blog, which is divided into categories for easier access and reading.